Jakarta, On the occasion of blood donation day June 14, 2022. PT GERBANG SARANABAJA and PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) held blood donation activities. This time collaborating with the HSE GSB team and PMI Prov DKI Jakarta. And for the person in charge from PMI Prov DKI Jakarta Dr. Merry .
This routine blood donation activity is a form of concern for the health of employees as donation and participates in the supply of blood at PMI Prov DKI Jakarta. The implementation of blood donation continues to prioritize health protocols with a system of calling per section via telephone and continuing to use masks and maintaining distance between donation.
The employees who became donors seemed enthusiastic about the activity. 87 bags of blood were successfully obtained from the blood donation process that took place. This blood donation activity is expected to be able to help PMI Prov DKI Jakarta to supply stocks of blood so that it can be utilized by people in need.