Aston Sentul December 08-09, 2023. PT GERBANG SARANABAJA held a Work Meeting (Raker) to determine a work plan containing a Management Review & Performance Evaluation for 2023 and a Work Plan for 2024. This year's Work Meeting carried the theme
"TOGETHER TOWARDS SUCCESS" which was held at the Aston Sentul Hotel Hall, Sentul Bogor, Java West.
This Working Meeting was attended by the President Director of PT GSB Mrs. Esther Widyawati, Vice President Mr. Glenn Harlianto,
Operations Director Mr. Ir. Amanta Pelawi, Sales & Marketing Director Mr. Aminudin Asmui, Assistant Director of Finance Administration Mr. Roynaldus Bey Leyn and all Department Heads.
Moving on with New Spirit:
After two intensive days of #AnnualWorkMeeting, we are very happy to welcome a bright future with our Top Management and stakeholders! In an atmosphere full of enthusiasm and togetherness, start mapping out strategies for the coming year. Together, we are ready to face challenges, achieve success, and bring PT. Saranabaja's gateway to the pinnacle of achievement!
#TogetherTowardsSuccess #KomitmenBersama #Strategi2023"BERSAMA KITA BISA !! GERBANG LUAR BIASA !!